Fondazione De Rigo H.E.ART Onlus is starting a fundraiser to support those affected by the war


The progressive worsening of the crisis in Ukraine and the outbreak of armed conflict across the country puts the lives of thousands of people at risk, especially the most vulnerable.

Women, the elderly and children are fleeing the war and are crossing borders into neighbouring countries. At the present time, over 7.5 million Ukrainian children are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

Faced with this situation, Fondazione De Rigo H.E.ART Onlus - whose mission is to provide support to children and young people so that they may enjoy inalienable rights - feels the need to contribute and take action in a concrete way. We have therefore decided to intervene and show our support for the most vulnerable by supporting the fundraising activities of the Diocesan Caritas of Belluno - Feltre, a local body of the Italian Episcopal Conference for the promotion of charitable work, committed to addressing the immediate needs of the victims of the conflict and receiving refugees.

Anyone wishing to make a voluntary contribution to support the project and «help us to help» can do so by donating a sum to the current account registered to Fondazione De Rigo H.E.ART. Every donation will be doubled by the Fondazione.



Bank: UniCredit S.p.A.

IBAN: IT43B0200802030000105081665



*Upon request, the Fondazione will issue a receipt for the payments made


All the funds raised will be donated to the Caritas of the Diocesan Caritas of Belluno - Feltre described below.



The Diocesan Caritas of Belluno - Feltre has joined the CEI fundraising initiative for Caritas activities in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, and supports the network established at prefecture level for receiving refugees.

In Ukraine, the funds raised support the solidarity work of the two Ukrainian national Caritas: Caritas Ukraine (Greek-Catholic) and Caritas Spes (Latin), which strive to provide assistance with basic needs, the coordination of volunteers, the reception of refugees in safe shelters and accommodation facilities, first-aid for those waiting to cross the border, the construction of shelters where people can seek refuge from bombing, the reception of internally displaced persons, home assistance services and food distribution, as well as the setting up of warehouses at Caritas offices.

The Caritas in neighbouring countries (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria) are working to receive refugees by setting up tents at border crossings, organising the distribution of meals and assisting orphaned children, welcomed in many cases - as witnessed in Poland - by religious communities. One million displaced individuals have now fled to Poland.

The Italian Diocesan Caritas, in contact with the Civil Protection and local authorities, are organising reception structures in anticipation of a growing influx of refugees. The Belluno area - as well as the entire Northeast - has already seen some thousands of arrivals, particularly women with minors, who have so far arrived in dribs and drabs, with numbers however appearing to be rapidly increasing.

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